Personal Details: Hellmuth, Thomas
Co-director (since 2016) | Mitherausgeber
Member PHW Executive Board
Thomas Hellmuth, Dr. phil (*1965), ist Universitätsprofessor für Didaktik der Geschichte an der Universität Wien und war zuvor assoziierter Professor für Geschichtsdidaktik und Politische Bildung an der Universität Salzburg. Er ist auch als Historiker (Kultur- und Sozialgeschichte) tätig und hat langjährige Erfahrung als Gymnasiallehrer. Derzeitige Forschungsschwerpunkte: Theorien und Methoden der Didaktik der Geschichte und politischen Bildung (insbesondere subjektorientierte Geschichts- und Politikdidaktik), historisch-politisches Lernen, Geschichte des historischen und politischen Lernens, Geschichtskultur und Identitäten; Kulturgeschichte Frankreichs, Lokal- und Regionalgeschichte.
Thomas Hellmuth, PhD (*1965), is Professor for History Education at the University of Vienna. Previously, he was Associate Professor for History and Civic Education at the University of Salzburg. He has many years of experience as a teacher at school and he is also active as historian (cultural and social history). Current research interests: theories an methods of History Education and Civic Education (in particular subject-oriented Didactics); historico-political learning, history of the historical and political learning; historical culture and identities; cultural history of France; local and regional history.
“…that other cultures, other people also existed”. An Interview
„…dass da auch mal andere Kulturen, andere Menschen waren“. Ein Interview
We invited Hermann Parzinger to discuss his book, which illumines public history from a special perspective.
“Decolonizing Public History?”
Monthly Editorial November 2021 Abstract: The editorial explains the attraction that colonies had for the European bourgeois world – through scientific interest, “scientific,” from today’s perspective pseudo-scientific racism, as well... Read More ›
Beyond Fear – Modern Exam Formats in History
Jenseits der Angst – moderne Prüfungsformate in Geschichte
Exams should not only be output-oriented, but also focus on learning processes. They should not primarily focus on deficits, but rather support the students.
Hegemonic Masculinity: On the Functionalization of Sexuality
Hegemoniale Männlichkeit. Zur Funktionalisierung der Sexualität
The bourgeois model of society was established in the 19th century and defined different "natural" gender roles. Originally, these were not necessarily misogynistic.
History and Gender
Geschichte und Gender
The radical form of the socio-cultural category, which can also be understood as a political instrument of struggle, negates gender polarity in general.
Subject Orientation
At first glance, the term "subject orientation" seems to be nothing more than an exaggerated paraphrase of the didactic principle of "addressee orientation".