Personal Details: Gautschi, Peter

Co-director (since 2016) | Mitherausgeber
Member PHW Executive Board
Peter Gautschi, Dr. phil. (*1959), Professor für Geschichtsdidaktik, Leiter des Zentrums Geschichtsdidaktik und Erinnerungskulturen der PH Luzern. Unterricht auf allen Volksschulstufen. Seit 1989 in der Lehrerbildung, u.a. als Leiter Ausbildung der PH Aargau. Mitarbeit in Kommissionen, u.a. seit 2006 im Wissenschaftlichen Ausschuss des Georg Eckert-Instituts in Braunschweig. Mitherausgeber von geschichtsdidaktischen Reihen im Wochenschau Verlag. Regelmässig Publikationen, verschiedene Auszeichnungen.
Peter Gautschi, PhD (*1959), Professor for Teaching and Learning History at the University of Teacher Education Lucerne; Honorary Professor at the University of Teacher Education Freiburg / Germany; Head of the Centre for Teaching and Learning History and Remembering the Past. Main Focus of Research: Teaching and Learning History in Classes; History Text Books and Media; Teaching the 20th Century. Peter Gautschi also was Vice Rector at the University of Teacher Education Nord-Western Switzerland.
“It feels brilliantly done!”: An Interview
«Das Gefühl, dass das sensationell gut gemacht ist!»: Ein Interview
PHW interviewed Marcel Perren, the director of tourism in Lucerne, a well-known tourist destination in Switzerland.
Public History and Tourism – A Success Story?
Public History und Tourismus – Eine Erfolgsgeschichte?
Tourism is a large service industries, has growth potential and will continue to produce and use history. Is public history in it a success?
History at the Original Site
Geschichte am Originalschauplatz
Original sites where historical events took place seem to facilitate the access to history for people from the present.
Complex Teaching Material Production: An Interview
Komplexe Lehrmittelproduktion: Ein Interview
Dirk Vaihinger (Lehrmittelverlag Zürich) comments on the special role of history textbooks, and the future of the medium.
School History Textbooks in the 21st Century
Schulgeschichtsbücher im 21. Jahrhundert
How do school history textbooks deal with the new challenges posed in the 21st century as products of social processes of negotiation?
Simple Examination Tasks Instead of Complicated Tests!
Einfache Prüfungsaufgaben statt komplizierter Tests!
History teachers should consider how they want to assess the learning success of students right at the beginning of their planning work.
Sound History
For a long time, the study of the sounds of past times was hardly taken into account in historical scholarship; it cultivated a niche existence.