Personal Details: Demantowsky, Marko

Managing Director and founder
Member PHW Executive Board | PHW Central Editorial Office
Marko Demantowsky, PhD (*1970), holds the Chair of Public History at the Faculty Center for Transdisciplinary Historical and Cultural Studies at University of Vienna. Previously he was full professor for modern history and history education in Basel. Prior to this, he was assistant professor for history education in Bochum and interim professor in Jena and Siegen. Research assistant at the universities of Leipzig, Dortmund and Münster.
Marko Demantowsky has founded Public History Weekly in 2013.
His curent main research interests focus on a digitally based ethnology and history of Austrian places of remembrance of national relevance; the digital transformation of historiographic and public-historic practice; and the history and theory of Public History in the European 18th century.
About Today’s Collective Identity Politics
Über heutige Politiken kollektiver Identität
Monthly Editorial February 2020 | Einführung in den Monat Februar 2020 Abstract: The angelic sculpture on the cover of this editorial leads us directly into the framework of this... Read More ›
Public History in, from and about Russia
Публичная история в России и о России
Public History in, from and about Russia -
Off to New Shores with Public History Weekly
The editorial crew of Public History Weekly is about to start to new shores. What is the status, what are the achievements and the problems, what is the horizon?
Now we’re done! (It’s time for Feyerabend)
Jetzt aber Feyerabend!
Paul Feyerabend’s essay “Against method” (1975) is rarely mentioned when scientists try to contextualise and justify their research projects. Or at...
Hindelang is not Hindu Kush. Military and Tradition
Hindelang ist nicht Hindukusch. Militär und Tradition
In recent years, public history scandals have repeatedly occurred in the German Armed Forces. These scandals consisted of the fact that young men were actively referring to the traditions and symbols of the National Socialist Wehrmacht.
Exploring the Open Access. Editorial
Unterwegs im Open Access. Editorial
A journal that--all things considered--absolutely cannot earn money? A renowned publishing company that becomes involved as a partner in such an undertaking? A Tower of Babel that aids communication? Transdisciplinarity that was not created by a "predatory community"?
A “Ballfahrtsort”. The German Football Museum
An Interview with the Director
For more than a year now, there is a national football museum in Germany, a "Ballfahrtsort". This new institution of German Public History combines many things that could be considered to be symptomatic for our current times...
The History-Mad, Dredge-Armed “Fun Guerrilla.” An Interview
Historische “Spaßguerilla” mit Schleppnetz. Ein Interview
“Weird History,” [Verrückte Geschichte] otherwise known as “Dr. Guido Knapp,” is a pseudonymous German-speaking Twitter account. Launched only a few years ago, the account has been presenting history-related knowledge and surprising historical facts to wide acclaim, with great public reach, and in a highly amusing fashion.