Personal Details: Siebörger, Rob

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Rob Siebörger is an Associate Professor in the School of Education at the University of Cape Town (South Africa) and currently its Deputy Director. His main interests are in history and social sciences education for intending teachers, the history curriculum, history textbooks (their writing and use) and assessment in history. He has also published materials on the teaching of human rights through history. He has been involved with the construction of all the post-Apartheid South African school history curricula and has an active involvement in the South African Society for History Teaching.
Rob Siebörger ist Professor an der erziehungswissenschaftlichen Fakultät der Universität Kapstadt (Südafrika), und er ist dort zurzeit Prodekan. Sein wesentlichen Forschungsinteressen liegen auf dem Gebiet der Geschichts- und Politikdidaktik für angehende Lehrpersonen, des Geschichtslehrplans, der Geschichtslehrbücher (das Schreiben und der Gebrauch) sowie historische Urteile und Bewertungen. Darüber hinaus hat er viel publiziert zur Menschenrechtserziehung im Geschichtsunterricht. Er war in die Arbeit an allen Lehrplänen einbezogen, die nach der Überwindung der Apartheit verfasst worden sind. Nicht zuletzt spielt er ein aktive Rolle im südafrikanischen Verband für Geschichtsdidaktik.
Knowledge Structures and School History
Wissensstrukturen und Geschichtsunterricht
Basil Bernstein's two modalities of knowledge as “hierarchical” and “horizontal” are useful to help interpret the nature of historical knowledge...
Groot Constantia: Wine or Slaves?
Groot Constantia: Wein oder Sklaven?
Groot Constantia is the iconic South African colonial estate. Located on the slopes of the Table Mountain among oak trees, it embodies both its wine history and its epitome of Cape slavery.
The Elements of Primary School History
Geschichtsunterricht in der Grundschule
How does one provide an easily accessible description of history for the primary school (primary school history) that non-specialist teachers can understand and adopt? This diagrammatic solution was developed after...
Complexity in the Specification of the History Curriculum
Die Komplexität von Geschichtslehrplan-Vorgaben
Bishop Colenso, Great Britain, and South Africa. A school history curriculum variously gives learners an introduction to historical themes. It does not, however, convey well the complexity of the past.
Fake News, Alternative Facts, History Education
Fake News, Alternative Fakten, Historische Bildung
The growing prevalence of "Fake News" necessitates enhanced tools of detection and evaluation to handle it, while "Alternative Facts" place...
A Musical as Public History: “District Six”
Ein Musical als Public History: “District Six”
District Six: The Musical (1987) is arguably South Africa’s most popular musical. It was followed by a number of spin off musicals on the same theme, the most recent of which is a reprise, District Six Kanala...
Defining History as a School Subject
Geschichte als Schulfach definieren
History curriculum documents for schools often contain a statement providing a description or definition of the nature of the subject. Recent developments in South Africa draw attention to the need to provide a justification for the vision and purpose of History as a school subject.