Personal Details: Khodnev, Alexander S.

Мастер Автор | Core Author | Stammautor
Ходнев Александр Сергеевич, доктор исторических наук, профессор Ярославского государственного педагогического университета имени К.Д. Ушинского; заведующий кафедрой всеобщей истории; Член Академического консультативного совета International Society for History Didactics; В 2004-05 научный сотрудник Институт Кеннана, центра имени В.Вильсона в Вашингтон, грант международной программы Фулбрайт (США); в 1994 приглашенный профессор Департамента истории университет г. Дейтона, штат Огайо, США. Автор многочисленные публикаций, в частности 3 книг, 3 учебных пособий. Его Научные интересы: История международных организаций и глобального миропорядка в XX веке, социальная и новая культурная история города, и история досуга, современная междисциплинарная дидактика высшей школы и проблемы преподавания истории.
Alexander S. Khodnev, PhD, Professor and chair of the World History Department at Yaroslavl’ State Pedagogical University (Russia); a member of the Academic Advisory Board of the International Society for History Didactics; in 2004-2005 researcher at the Kennan Institute, Woodrow Wilson Center in Washington, D.C., The J. William Fulbright Foreign Scholarship; in 1994 - Visiting Professor, Department of History University of Dayton, Ohio, USA. Author of numerous scientific publications, among them 3 books and 3 textbooks. His research interests are: History of the international organizations and the global order in the XX century, new social and cultural history of the city and history of leisure, modern interdisciplinary didactics of higher education and problems of teaching of history.
Alexander S. Khodnev, Dr. phil., Professor am Institut für Weltgeschichte der Staatlichen Pädagogischen Universität in Jaroslawl (Russland). Er ist Mitglied des wiss. Beirats der Internationalen Gesellschaft für Geschichtsdidaktik, 2004/05 Gastwissenschaftler am Kennan Institute, Woodrow Wilson Center in Washington, D.C. (The J. William Fulbright Foreign Scholarship), 1994 Gastprofessor am Institut für Geschichte der Universität von Dayton (Ohio). Er ist Autor zahlreicher wiss. Publikationen, darunter drei Bücher und 3 Schulbücher. Seine Forschungsinteressen richten sich auf die Geschichte internationaler Organisationen und die globale Ordnung des 20. Jahrhunderts, die neue Sozial- und Kulturgeschichte der Stadt und die Freizeitgeschichte, eine moderne interdisziplinäre Geschichte der höheren Bildung und nicht zuletzt die Probleme der Geschichtsdidaktik.Александр_Сергеевич_Ходнев-
Talking About the Stars: August Ludwig Schlözer
Разговоры о звездах: «Введение во всеобщую историю» Августа Людвига Шлецера | Über die Sterne sprechen: August Ludwig Schlözer
As 190 years have passed since the publication, August Ludwig Schlözer has contributed to the development of the teaching of universal history and didactics of history in Russia.
Presentism: New Historical Thinking in Russia
презентизм: Новый взгляд на прошлое в России | Präsentismus: Neues Geschichtsdenken in Russland
The present is increasing pressure and shrinks historical time. Presentism aims to comprehend the complexity, in which the past cannot be objectively...
“Chronological Frameworks”, New History Strategy? (ИКС)
“Хронологический каркас” учебника, новая стратегия истории? | “Chronologische Rahmen”, neue Geschichtsstrategie?
Some years have passed since the appearance of the Historical and Cultural Standard (ИКС) for teaching Russian history. It has significantly changed the...
Public History in Russia: What Is It?
Публичная история в России: какая она? | Merkmale der Public History in Russland
Public history in Russia reveals the state's desire to monopolize public space associated with the past. This new direction, consequently, cannot find a constructive dialogue with the state, society and professional historians.
Centenary of the Great Russian Revolution of 1917
Юбилей Великой Русской революции 1917 | Der 100. Jahrestag der Russischen Revolution von 1917
In Russia, the October Revolution of 1917 is not celebrated for more than a quarter of a century. However, the centennial anniversary of 1917 cannot be circumvented - 1917 and the subsequent events, which are now commonly called the “Great Russian Revolution.”
The Cold War: Memory and Forgetfulness
Der Kalte Krieg: Erinnerung und Vergesslichkeit | Холодная война: память и забвение
Thus, the Russian authorities are trying to build a patriotic collective memory and identity on the basis of the history of the Great Patriotic War. The Cold War is on the path to oblivion.
Exam under Examination: Zigzags in Russia (ЕГЭ)
Die Prüfung der Prüfung: Zickzack in Russland | Зигзаги экзаменационной системы в России (ЕГЭ)
The Unified State Examination (ЕГЭ) has become the most significant reform in the teaching of history in schools. The USE has affected the entire society of the Russian Federation. The new system…
Memory Studies “Boom” in Russia
“Boom” der Gedächtnis-Studien in Russland | «Бум» исследований памяти в России
Memory Studies. Thirty years ago, Russian historiography was in the grip of the state’s regulation of the Communist ideology and seriously lagged behind the development of Western European and North American historical thinking. All attempts by some historians to move beyond the Marxist-Leninist ...