Personal Details: Plá, Sebastián

Plá Sebastián

Maestra Autor | Core Author | Stammautor

Sebastián Plá, Dr., Profesor de enseñanza de la historia del Instituto de Investigaciones sobre la Universidad y la Educación de la Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México. Sus temas de investigación son el análisis político del discurso educativo, en especial la configuración curricular del conocimiento social y los procesos de exclusión que produce; la teoría y práctica de la enseñanza de la historia en México y América Latina; y los diferentes usos públicos y políticos de la historia.

Sebastián Plá, PhD, Professor of the Research Institute for University and Education at the National Autonomous University of Mexico. His main research interests are the political analysis of educational discourse, especially the curricular configuration of social knowledge and processes of exclusion that produce; theory and practice of teaching history in Mexico and Latin America; and different public and political uses of history.

Sebastián Plá, Dr. phil., Professor für Geschichtsdidaktik am Forschungsinstitut der Pädagogischen Hochschule der Nationalen Autonomen Universität von Mexiko. Seine Forschungsinteressen sind die politische Analyse pädagogischer Diskurse, insbesondere die curriculare Konstellation sozialen Wissens und Prozesse der Exklusion, die sie herstellen, die Theorie und Praxis der Geschichtsdidaktik in Mexiko und Lateinamerika sowie unterschiedliche öffentliche und politische Instrumentalisierungen von Geschichte.
  • Apologies for History

    Disculpas por la historia | Entschuldigungen für die Vergangenheit

    Mexico debates if Spain should apologize for crimes during the Conquista de México. The controversy shows the urgency to write a new history that fights contemporary racism and inequality.

    Apologies for History
  • Resistance to the National Narrative in Uruguay

    Las resistencias de la narrativa nacional en Uruguay | Widerstand gegen die Nationalgeschichte Uruguays

    The national narrative in Uruguay is much like its landscape, a continuum without abrupt changes. However, the demands of recent history are creating pressure...

    Resistance to the National Narrative in Uruguay
  • On Memories, School and Earthquakes

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    In September 2017 Mexico was struck by earthquakes. The ruins have triggered many debates. How can history studies young people to comprehend natural disasters as products of human responsibility?

    On Memories, School and Earthquakes
  • History Education in Times of Trump

    Historische Bildung in Zeiten von Trump | La enseñanza de la historia en tiempos de Tump

    What interpretations of Mexico-United States relations will the new curriculum of Mexican history recommend? What should we study to prepare a critical citizenry?

    History Education in Times of Trump
  • Pedagogías del Sur: Rethinking Research

    Pedagogías del Sur: Forschung überdenken | Pedagogías del Sur: Repensar la investigación

    Pedagogías del Sur: The discussion topics in the field of research in teaching history are the hierarchic historiography-teaching relation; the definition of the epistemology of historical...

    Pedagogías del Sur: Rethinking Research
  • The Dictator’s Slow Return. Porfirio Díaz

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    Young Porfirio Diaz

    July 2, 2015 marked the centennial of the death of dictator Porfirio Díaz, who governed Mexico from 1876 to 1910, when he was overthrown by the Mexican Revolution. Public opinion took advantage of the occasion to debate again his significance in Mexican history. But the historical significance of Porfirio ...

    The Dictator’s Slow Return. Porfirio Díaz
  • History, Interculturality and Cognitive Pluriverses

    Geschichte, Interkulturalität und kognitive Pluriversen / Historia, interculturalidad y pluriversos cognitivos

    Contemporary didactic proposals for history teaching in Mexico have been concerned with the proximity between professional historical thought and its teaching, without modifying traditional historical narratives taught in schools. However ...

    History, Interculturality and Cognitive Pluriverses
  • 43 Are Missing from the Teaching of History in Mexico

    43 Vermisste im mexikanischen Geschichtsunterricht / A la enseñanza de la historia en México le faltan 43

    Mexico is experiencing a drawn-out crisis in human rights. The disappearance and subsequent murder of 43 students studying to be rural teachers last September is yet another example of this. At the same time, programs for studying history at the level of basic education and teacher training deny this reality.

    43 Are Missing from the Teaching of History in Mexico

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