Personal Details: Parkes, Robert

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Robert Parkes, PhD, is Senior Lecturer in Curriculum Studies, and Convenor of the HERMES History Education Research Group, at the University of Newcastle; Founding Editor of Historical Encounters: A Journal of Historical Consciousness, Historical Cultures, and History Education; a member of the Editorial Board of Agora / Sungråpho; Founding Co-Convenor of the ‘History and Education’ Special Interest Group within the Australian Association for Research in Education (AARE); and a member of the Academic Advisory Board of the International Society for History Didactics (ISHD). In 2013 he was Visiting Research Fellow in the Department of Historical, Philosophical, and Religious Studies at Umeå University, Sweden. His research interests include: historical theory and history education; historical consciousness and contemporary historical cultures; history teacher education; and curriculum history, theory and politics.
Robert Parkes, Dr. phil., ist Professor für Curriculumstudien und Leiter der geschichtsdidaktischen Forschungsgruppe (HERMES) an der Universität von Newcastle (Australien). Er ist der Gründungsherausgeber der Zeitschrift "Historical Encounters", Mitbegründer des Arbeitskreises Geschichtsdidaktik des australischen Verbandes für Bildungsforschung (AARE). Er ist auch Mitglied des Beirats der Internationalen Gesellschaft für Geschichtsdidaktik (ISHD). Seine Forschungsinteressen umfassen die Geschichtstheorie und die Geschichtsdidaktik, Geschichtsbewusstsein und zeitgeschichtliche Studien, die Aus- und Fortbildung von Geschichtslehrpersonen sowie Lehrplangeschichte, -theorie und -politik.
The Educational Legacies of the History Wars
The Australian curriculum attempts to guarantee that Australian young people develop a shared historical consciousness of the nation.
History Culture, Identity, and the Post-Colonial Martial Arts
Geschichte, Kultur, Identität und die postkolonialen Kampfsportarten
In the history culture of martial arts, especially in post-colonial societies, myth-making, tied to national identity formation, creates a veil on the past.
The Practical Legacy of Hayden White
Hayden Whites praktisches Erbe
Two months ago the controversial and highly influential historical theorist Hayden White passed away. While his work has principally been debated in historical theory circles, his final work suggests ‘practical’ possibilities for public history
Are Monuments History?
Sind Denkmäler Geschichte?
Historic monuments are making the news. The removal of Confederacy leaders’ statues has provoked reaction in the USA. In Australia, at the same time, news that vandals had defaced the Captain Cook statue in Sydney, garnered attention.
Historical Consciousness, Fake News, and the Other
Historisches Bewusstsein, Fake News und das Andere
Seldom does a day go past since the election of Donald Trump as President of the United States without reports of "alternative facts" and "fake news". This presents both a problem and an opportunity for history educators.
The Kali Controversy: Public History in Unusual Places
Die Kali-Kontroverse: Public History an ungewöhnlichen Orten
Many of the debates we have over public history deal with 'serious' topics. Public history has a much wider ambit than this, and sometimes appears in unusual places. One such unusual venue is the martial arts.
Black or White? Reconciliation on Australia’s Colonial Past
Schwarz und Weiß? Aussöhnung zur kolonialen Vergangenheit Australiens
Reconciliation? The Daily Telegraph attempted to reignite Australia’s History Wars: “UNSW rewrites the history books to state Cook ‘invaded’ Australia”.
The Irony of Family History as a Source of Identity
Die Ironie der Ahnenforschung als Identitätsquelle
Family history research is experiencing an unprecedented surge of interest, facilitated by the vast array of archives now accessible on the Internet, including social media style family tree websites such as that allow family historians to share their research.