Personal Details: Demantowsky, Marko

Managing Director and founder
Member PHW Executive Board | PHW Central Editorial Office
Marko Demantowsky, PhD (*1970), holds the Chair of Public History at the Faculty Center for Transdisciplinary Historical and Cultural Studies at University of Vienna. Previously he was full professor for modern history and history education in Basel. Prior to this, he was assistant professor for history education in Bochum and interim professor in Jena and Siegen. Research assistant at the universities of Leipzig, Dortmund and Münster.
Marko Demantowsky has founded Public History Weekly in 2013.
His curent main research interests focus on a digitally based ethnology and history of Austrian places of remembrance of national relevance; the digital transformation of historiographic and public-historic practice; and the history and theory of Public History in the European 18th century.
“…that other cultures, other people also existed”. An Interview
„…dass da auch mal andere Kulturen, andere Menschen waren“. Ein Interview
We invited Hermann Parzinger to discuss his book, which illumines public history from a special perspective.
The Dark Side of the Moon. Cultural Oblivion
Die dunkle Seite des Mondes. Kulturelles Vergessen
With contribution by Thomas Hellmuth Monthly Editorial: May 2022 Abstract: The theme of this month’s issue of Public History Weekly and, subsequently, this editorial, is that which no longer exists... Read More ›
Summer Break
Sommerpause | Vacances d’été | Przerwa letnia | Летние каникулы | Pausa estiva | Vacaciones de verano | Férias de Verão | 暑假
Editorial break, we are in the summer holidays … We wish all our readers a great time, lots of rest and relaxation. We restart with a new issue on a Thursday in September. Although the comment box of our current initial contributions remains open all the time...
Landscape and Identity
Landschaft und Identität
Monthly Editorial April 2021 | Einführung in den Monat April 2021 Abstract: Landscape and identity are two interdependent factors/concepts for human self-relations insofar as they are necessarily contextualised in... Read More ›
Work in Progress. An Interim Editorial
Aus der Werkstatt: ein Zwischeneditorial
Copyright (c) 2020 by De Gruyter Oldenbourg and the author, all rights reserved. This work may be copied and redistributed for non-commercial, educational purposes, if permission is granted by the... Read More ›
Teaching between Pre- and Post-Corona. An Essay (2)
Abstract: This is part 2 of the essay about the exceptional demands on university teaching in the digital-distant semester at the German-speaking universities forced by the corona crisis. The two... Read More ›
التاريخ العام في العالم العربي ومنه وحول
Public History in, from and about the Arab World | Public History in, aus und über die arabische Welt
The two editors of this month’s issue set out in search of a multilingual and multicultural discourse in relation to what is called the “Arab world”.
Teaching between Pre- and Post-Corona. An Essay (1)
Präsenz der Lehre zwischen Prä- und Postcoronazän (1)
This essay draws cautious conclusions about the digital and distant arrangements enforced upon teaching and learning by the corona pandemic.