Exams should not only be output-oriented, but also focus on learning processes. They should not primarily focus on deficits, but rather support the students.
Tag Archive for ‘History Didactics (Geschichtsdidaktik)’
Simple Examination Tasks Instead of Complicated Tests!
History teachers should consider how they want to assess the learning success of students right at the beginning of their planning work.
The Subject of/(in) History
When working on the core concepts of history didactics in an intercultural perspective, a comprehensive typology is needed.
Dinosaur Ride
Before encountering formal history education in school, pupils begin to develop their own ideas and preconceptions of history. Many of these are shaped by representations of history in pop culture.
Subject-Orientation and Critique on Power
The modern consensus is that historical learning – in addition to historical content – must take greater account of learners with their individual experiences and knowledge: the so called subject orientation.
The Tension Between Historical Thinking and Historical Culture
It often remains unclear in how far conflicting demands are made when it comes to historical learning. This article argues that it is helpful to describe historical learning as a trilemma.
Subject Orientation
At first glance, the term “subject orientation” seems to be nothing more than an exaggerated paraphrase of the didactic principle of “addressee orientation”.
Parallel Lives? History and its Didactics
History didactics can be distinguished into three different periods in the 20th century. Historical Consciousness as one of its elements has long before been focused on the consumer.