Personal Details: Kühberger, Christoph

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Christoph Kühberger, Mag et Dr. phil. habil. (*1975), Universitätsprofessor für Geschichts- und Politikdidaktik an der Universität Salzburg (Österreich). Er war Professor für Vergleichende neuere und neueste Europäische Kulturgeschichte an der Universität Hildesheim (Deutschland) und Hochschulprofessor für Geschichts- und Politikdidaktik an der Pädagogischen Hochschule Salzburg Stefan Zweig (Österreich). Forschungsschwerpunkte: Historisches und politisches Denken und Lernen, Geschichtskultur, Neue Kulturgeschichte und Ethik der Geschichtswissenschaft.
Christoph Kühberger, PhD (*1975), Professor for History and Civic education at the University of Salzburg (Austria). He was Professor for European Cultural History at the University of Hildesheim (Germany) and Professor for History and Civic education at the Pedagogical University of Salzburg Stefan Zweig (Austria). Current research interests: History Education and Civic Education, history culture, new cultural history and ethics of historical sciences.
Dinosaur Ride
Before encountering formal history education in school, pupils begin to develop their own ideas and preconceptions of history. Many of these are shaped by representations of history in pop culture.
Dragons in Historical Culture
Drachen in der Geschichtskultur
Historical culture has shifted towards fantasy. A fitting example is that toy manufacturers, such as Lego and Playmobil, have started to implement dragons into their worlds.
History Textbooks – what and whom are they for?
Geschichtslehrbücher – für wen und warum?
In Austria, history classes provide competences, concepts, and topics, which should be persistently implemented in history textbooks in accordance with Ministry of Education. Historical thinking...
Kindergarten: A Place for Historical Thinking
Kindergarten – Wo historisches Denken geformt wird
Specialists in the teaching of the natural sciences have long recognised kindergarten as a key environment in forming young persons’ interest and abilities in science. Do kindergartens also include historical and civic education?
Interdisciplinary Research in History Education
Interdisziplinäres Forschen in Geschichtsdidaktik
If we try to focus on the differentiation of empirical research in history didactics, we see that the German-speaking world is currently putting a greater emphasis on interdisciplinary teams like HiTCH.
Wrong Tracks of Language-Sensitive History Teaching
Irrwege sprachsensiblen Geschichtsunterrichts
If one trusts the increasing demand for places in which language-sensitive history teaching [Sprachsensibler Geschichtsunterricht] is addressed, then this manifests (1) the somewhat problematic reflexes of history did...
Knights in Children’s Rooms. Public History and its Youngest Users
Ritter in Kinderzimmern. Public History und ihre jüngsten Nutzer
Children's rooms? History teachers often know little or nothing about how their pupils encounter history or which historical cultural products they should actually use to engage their protégés. Even relevant top-sellers--such as the ...