Personal Details: Bühl-Gramer, Charlotte

Guest Author | Gastautorin
Core Author | Stammautorin (2013-2018)
Charlotte Bühl-Gramer, Dr. phil. (*1963), Studium der Fächer Geschichte, Deutsch und Italienisch an den Universitäten Erlangen-Nürnberg und Würzburg; 1991-1995 Gymnasiallehrerin; 1995-2001 wissenschaftliche Assistentin am Lehrstuhl für Bayerische Landesgeschichte und Didaktik der Geschichte an der Universität Bayreuth; 2002 Promotion zur Stadtentwicklung Nürnberg im 19. Jahrhundert; 2002-2010 Akademische Rätin am Lehrstuhl Didaktik der Geschichte an der Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg; seit Oktober 2010 Inhaberin des Lehrstuhls für Didaktik der Geschichte an der Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg.
Charlotte Bühl-Gramer, Dr. phil. (*1963), professor for history didactics at the University of Erlangen-Nuremberg, academic studies in History, German and Italian at the Universities of Erlangen-Nuremberg and Würzburg; 1991-1995 secondary school teacher; 1995-2001 research assistant for regional history and history didactics at the University of Bayreuth; 2002 PhD on urban development of Nuremberg in the 19th century, 2002-2010 lecturer of history didactis at the University of Erlangen-Nuremberg; since October 2010 chair at the University of Erlangen-Nuremberg.
History Marketing online – DAX meets History
History Marketing online – DAX trifft Geschichte
As part of marketing strategies, multinational corporations do not forego staging their history. It is permanently available on the company's own websites as an individual unique selling proposition.
Can Architecture Embody Good and Evil?
Gute Bauten – Böse Bauten?
Architecture doesn't in themselves represent specific worldviews. The immanent significance of stones, bricks and mortar is regarded as being negligible to nonexistent. Public History and bricks.
Fake History and the Outlet Village
Fake History im Outlet Village
Outlet villages create synthetic town centres for marketing purposes. From the perspective of tourists, it seems that there is only a marginal difference between such outlet villages and genuine historical towns.
Popular History Magazines for Kids
Populäre Geschichtsmagazine für Kinder
The popular history magazine market has been booming internationally since the beginning of the 21st century. In addition to adults with an interest in history, this market has been increasingly...
Antiques Shows on TV – History as a Commodity
Trödelshows im Fernsehen – Geschichte als Ware
Television antiques shows in which individuals have historical objects that they own examined and valued by experts in order to subsequently put them up for sale are currently a big tren ...
History Teaching in the Cinema and Holocaust Education
Geschichtsunterricht im Kinofilm und Holocaust Education
School as the subject of a movie – there are numerous films, ranging from comedies to social dramas, about school, teacher-student relationships, committed and unsuccessful teachers and their teaching methods. The French film ‘Les héritiers’ (English title: Once in a Life Time) came to...
Back to the Cold War: Museumised Bunker Installations
Zeitreise in den Kalten Krieg. Musealisierte Bunkeranlagen
Underworlds have become tourist magnets. Underground nuclear bunkers from the Cold War also fall into this category. Whether they are in Germany, Canada, Denmark ... They are unique sites of contemporary history.
“`Tis the Season?” Staging Christmas markets
“Es weihnachtet sehr?” Inszenierte Weihnachtsmärkte
There are approximately 1500 Christmas markets in Germany attracting 85 million visitors each year. An increase of 70 percent has been recorded since the year 2000. The sales revenue for 2014 in Germany is estimated ...