Questions on the purpose of history and history traditions are far from new, but they reach us as educators with greater force then ever. Defining…
Tag Archive for ‘History Teaching (Geschichtsunterricht)’
What Influences Public History the Most
It is the history-related beliefs of teachers that make the difference. The communication of history in public as well is less influenced by scientific findings than by the beliefs of the people involved.
Normative Overload: What About Empirical Validity?
Currently, German history didactics is focusing on narrative competence. The resultant normative overload, is not unproblematic – to say the least.
Understanding Empire in the 21st Century
People should have some understanding of what empires are, and what effect they have. What questions are worth asking about the concept…
Knowledge Structures and School History
Basil Bernstein’s two modalities of knowledge as “hierarchical” and “horizontal” are useful to help interpret the nature of historical knowledge…
(Pre-)Scientific Information Retrieval and Wikipedia
Search engines often used for (pre)scientific information retrieval. Wikipedia is a common encyclopedia with more or less suitable articles. Whoever teaches students should emphasize to check such sources carefully.
The Elements of Primary School History
How does one provide an easily accessible description of history for the primary school (primary school history) that non-specialist teachers can understand and adopt? This diagrammatic solution was developed after…
The Digital Archive: An In-school Place of Learning
Digitisation projects in the humanities have democratised access to sources in recent years. Museums, libraries and archives place their holdings of texts, films and images on the scanner…