Personal Details: Cauvin, Thomas

Thomas Cauvin, PhD (*1979), is Associate Professor of Public History at the University of Luxembourg (Luxembourg Centre for Contemporary and Digital History – C2DH). He is a FNR-ATTRACT Fellow and leads the Public History as the New Citizen Science of the Past (PHACS) project. Cauvin has been the President of the International Federation for Public History since 2018. He received his PhD at the European University Institute (Florence, Italy, 2012) and worked for several years in the United States at the University of Louisiana at Lafayette (2013-2017) and Colorado State University (2017-2020). He is the author of Public History. A Textbook of Practice (Routledge, May 2016) and several articles and book chapters on public history.
Thomas Cauvin, Dr. phil. (*1979), ist Professor für Publc History an der Universität Luxemburg (Luxembourg Centre for Contemporary and Digital History – C2DH). Er ist Fellow des ATTRACT-Programmes des Luxembourg National Research Funds und leitet das Programm "Public History als neue Cititzen Science" (PHACS). Cauvin amtiert als Präsident der International Federation for Public History seit 2018. Er wurde 2012 am Florentiner European University Institute promoviert und arbeitete für einige Jahre in den USA, und zwar an der University of Louisiana at Lafayette (2013-2017) und an der Colorado State University (2017-2020). Er ist der Autor von Public History. A Textbook of Practice (Routledge 2016) und einer Reihe von Artikeln und Buchkapiteln über Public History.
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Brewing History as a Public Experience
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Crossing Barriers: an International Public History
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Why We Should all Become Public Historians
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