Personal Details: Demantowsky, Marko

Managing Director and founder
Member PHW Executive Board | PHW Central Editorial Office
Marko Demantowsky, PhD (*1970), holds the Chair of Public History at the Faculty Center for Transdisciplinary Historical and Cultural Studies at University of Vienna. Previously he was full professor for modern history and history education in Basel. Prior to this, he was assistant professor for history education in Bochum and interim professor in Jena and Siegen. Research assistant at the universities of Leipzig, Dortmund and Münster.
Marko Demantowsky has founded Public History Weekly in 2013.
His curent main research interests focus on a digitally based ethnology and history of Austrian places of remembrance of national relevance; the digital transformation of historiographic and public-historic practice; and the history and theory of Public History in the European 18th century.
A Collaboration Machine. The Index Didacticorum
Eine Kollaborationsmaschine. Der Index Didacticorum
Our daily life as researchers is defined by research publications, literature reviews, reports about experiences and discussions, and proposals. That’s self-evident. Right? What is their role for us, in fact? How much do we still read, in order to write? Only very few of us manage to keep ...
BlogJournal – Bridge between Journal and Weblog
An Interview instead of an Editorial
An Interview with Marko Demantowsky (PHW) by Mareike König (DHI Paris) Abstract: Public History Weekly (PHW) is a BlogJournal devoted to the topics of history and the didactics of... Read More ›
“Public History” – Sublation of a German Debate?
“Public History” – Aufhebung einer deutschsprachigen Debatte?
The English term "Public History" is, as is so common for borrowed foreign words, discursively relaxing; an argumentative deus ex machina. It appears as an ideal compromise in a long ...
From Anniversary to Anniversaryitis
Vom Jubiläum zur Jubiläumitis
Jubilees, anniversaries, commemoration days, public holidays, etc. Anniversaryitis. The coincidences of the calendar and the astronomical constellations that determine ...
Practice vs. Theory and Rüsen’s New Historik
Praxis vs. Theorie und Rüsens neue Historik
Practice as a fetish? 'Theory' (whatever it means) is a didactical magic word in order to provoking professionalization. Most students do not want it and only reluctantly put up with it.
Digital History & Yet Another Journal? Editorial 2013
Digitaler Wandel und noch eine neue Zeitschrift? Editorial 2013
Digital History. There is a rich and diverse range of German-speaking journals in the field of history and civics education. The usual forms of assuring formalised scientific quality are well-established. Now it may seem to the observer that there is no lack of publication opportunities, but rather of texts worth reading and able to stimulate discussion.