Personal Details: Carretero, Mario

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Mario Carretero, Dr. phil., es profesor en la Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, donde fue decano de la Facultad de Psicología. Ha llevado a cabo una extensa investigación sobre Enseñanza de la Historia. Sus dos últimos libros son "History Education and the Construction of National Identities" (co-edited) (IAP, 2012) y "Constructing Patriotism. Teaching History and Memories in Global Worlds" (IAP, 2011) este último traducido al español y portugués. Recientemente ha publicado (junto con S. Berger y M. Grever): Palgrave Handbook of Research on Historical Culture and Education (2017). También ha sido Bliss Carnochan International Visitor at Stanford University y Santander Fellow at Harvard University. Ha desarrollado una amplia colaboración de investigación con instituciones de América Latina a través de la FLACSO (Argentina), para el estudio de la construcción de las identidades nacionales y enseñanza de la Historia.
Mario Carretero, PhD, is Professor at Autonoma University of Madrid, where he was Dean of the Faculty of Psychology. He has carried out an extensive research on History Education. His last two books are "History Education and the Construction of National Identities" (co-edited) (IAP, 2012) and "Constructing Patriotism. Teaching History and Memories in Global Worlds" (IAP, 2011) being the last one translated into Spanish and Portuguese. He has recently published (along with S. Berger and M. Grever): Palgrave Handbook of Research on Historical Culture and Education (2017). Also he has been Bliss Carnochan International Visitor at Stanford University (2011) and Santander Fellow at Harvard University (2009-10). He has developed an extensive research collaboration with Latin American institutions through FLACSO (Argentina), studying the construction of national identities and History Education.
Mario Carretero, Dr. phil., ist Professor an der Autonomen Universität Madrid, an der er auch Dekan der Fakultät für Psychologie war. Von ihm wurden extensive Forschungen zur Geschichtsdidaktik durchgeführt. Als seine letzten beiden Bücher erschienen "History Education and the Construction of National Identities" (co-edited) (IAP, 2012) und "Constructing Patriotism. Teaching History and Memories in Global Worlds" (IAP, 2011, engl, span., port.). 2017 hat er (zusammen mit Maria Greller und Stefan Berger) das "Palgrave Handbook for Research in Historical Culture and Education" publiziert. Darüber hinaus war er Gastprofessor an der Stanford University und an der Harvard University. Im Rahmen von FLACSO (Argentinien) entwickelte er eine breite internationale lateinamerikanische Forschungsarbeit zum Thema der Konstruktion nationaler Identitäten und der Geschichtsdidaktik.
“Reconquest” – Historical Narrative or Xenophobic View?
“Reconquista” – Narrativa historica o concepción xenofóbica? | “Reconquista” – Historisches Narrativ oder xenophobe Sichtweise?
It's important to consider how human beings use historical contents like the "Reconquista": The past has been conceptually re-elaborated to main...
Borders In the Head: Comparing Mexican and Berlin Wall
Representaciones de las fronteras: el Muro de México y el Muro de Berlín | Grenzen im Kopf: Die mexikanische und die Berliner Mauer
In order to understand previous and contemporary political conflicts through history education in both formal and informal environments, it is imperative to comprehend what has happened and where a certain event has happened.
Teaching of Troubled Pasts—Three Suggestions
Enseñanza del pasado reciente y violento – Tres propuestas / Problematische Vergangenheiten unterrichten – 3 Vorschläge
If we examine most of troubled pasts presented in educational scenarios, two features clearly appear. Most of the historical events have a national character and most of them happend just recently.
Eco was Right. Ironical Understanding as a Goal
Eco hatte Recht. Ironisches Verstehen als Ziel
Umberto Eco passed away recently, on 19 February, 2016. His contributions to philosophy and semiology, as well as his literary productions, have played a very influential role in our contemporary culture. On this occasion, his ideas...
Varieties of Patriotism and Public History
Spielarten des Patriotismus und der Public History
Is patriotism alive? Does it influence citizens’ historical representations? It is about the Reagan and the Obama kind of patriotism, and what they both have to deal with us--wherever we live. Based on empirical research, with examples from Argentina.
Lenin and Marx as Symbols of Liberation?
Lenin und Marx als Symbole der Befreiung?
Are historical representations and collective memories one and the same thing? Why and how do they coincide or differ? Local and national contexts most definitely play an important role in this respect