Students in 6th grade, often do not know Anne Frank. How do they react to the an “Anne also gets a star today” meme – where does the fun stop?
Tag Archive for ‘Digital Change (Digitaler Wandel)’
Public Historians and their Professional Identity
Videogames are a form of public history, for alongside other digital media, they are the major factor that shapes the historical consciousness of today.
Digital Public History
Public history and thus the relationship between the people of today and the vast field of history is fundamentally influenced by the digitalization.
Ethics in Cyberspace
In order to understand the impact of cyberspace on human morality one has to begin by rebutting the liberal distinction between the private and the public.
Let’s talk about… History Podcasts
History is told in podcasts on history. In detail and slowly. And many listeners enthusiastically listen to them. But why?
Doing Selfies in Auschwitz?
Tourists for decades have taken photos in former concentration camps, even in Auschwitz. The emergence of selfies, however, transforms our perspective on historic sites.
From A to Z. Crowdsourcing Historical City Lexica
The process of methodological differentiation of historical research and chronicles of city history has reached the limits of what can be said or shown. In Germany, the historical city lexicon exists as an alternative.
Sports History as Threatened Public History
Sports history is an ideal vehicle for historical and socially relevant questions. As a cultural heritage, however, it endures a wallflower existence, at least in Switzerland.