Personal Details: de Jong, Steffi

Steffi de Jong, PhD, is a post-doctoral researcher at the Institute for Contemporary History at the University of Cologne. Her research interests include museum studies, cultural memory studies, sound studies, digital history and the history of re-enactment. She is currently working on a project on the origins of re-enactment in the 19th century financed by the Gerda Henkel Stiftung and on a project on computer-based representations of concentration and extermination camps financed by the Grimme Forschungskolleg. She obtained her Phd from the Norwegian University of Science and Technology. Her book The Witness as Object. Video Testimony in Memorial Museum was published in 2018 by Berghahn Books. She has published internationally on the figure of the witness, the museal representation of history, digital Holocaust memory and sound in museums.
Steffi de Jong, Dr. phil., arbeitet als wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin am Historischen Institut der Universität zu Köln. Ihre Forschungsschwerpunkte liegen in den Museum Studies, den Memory Studies, den Sound Studies und der Geschichte des Re-enactments. Zur Zeit arbeitet sie an einem von der Gerda Henkel Stiftung finanzierten Projekt zur Geschichte des Re-enactments und an einem Projekt zur Darstellung von computergestützten Visualisierungen von Konzentrations- und Vernichtungslagern, welches vom Grimme Forschungskolleg finanziert wird. Sie war Mitarbeiterin des internationalen Forschungsprojekts Exhibiting Europe und promovierte 2012 an der Norwegian University of Science and Technology in Trondheim. Ihr Buch “The Witness as Object. Video Testimony in Memorial Museums” erschien 2018 bei Berghahn Books.
The Future of Objects—The Future of Academic Exchange?
Zukunft der Objekte – Zukunft des akademischen Austauschs?
This paper examines how conferences and symposiums can be organised in the digital space with the example of their own symposium "Zukunft der Objekte".
Witness Auschwitz? How VR is changing Testimony
Witness Auschwitz? Wie VR Zeugenschaft verändert
A change in the culture of remembrance towards a digital-somatic phase is to be expected through immersive media such as "Witness Auschwitz"