Personal Details: Readman, Paul

The PHW author list
Paul Readman is Professor of Modern British History at King’s College London. Author or editor of seven books, he is especially interested in the interrelationship between land, landscape and British national identities, a subject he explored in Land and Nation in England (2008) and Storied Ground (2018). He also has a longstanding interest in the place of the past in modern British culture, Since 2013, he has been Principal Investigator on a major AHRC-funded project on historical pageants in Britain, details of which are available via the Redress of the Past project website. He is Co-Investigator on the AHRC-funded network, Changing Landscapes, Changing Lives.
Historical Pageants and Public History
We seek to understand how and why historical pageantry has waxed and waned since the 1900s and what participation meant to those involved.