Personal Details: Alinder, Jasmine

Co-director (since August 2020) | Mitherausgeberin
Member of the PHW Advisory board (2016-2020)
Member PHW Executive Board
Jasmine Alinder, PhD, is Dean of the Humanities at UC Santa Cruz and Professor of History. Until 2020 she was Associate Professor of History and coordinator of Public History at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee. Trained as an historian of photography, she received her PhD in Art History from the University of Michigan in 1999. Since then she has published primarily on documentary photography, including the book Moving Images: Photography and the Japanese American Incarceration (University of Illinois Press, 2009); and essays in Colors of Confinement: Rare Kodachrome Photographs of Japanese American Incarceration in World War II (ed. Eric Muller, 2012) and in Outrage! Art, Controversy, and Society (eds. Richard Howells, Judith Schachter, and Andreea Ritivoi, 2012). Alinder has also been involved with digital, public humanities projects: serving as the project director for the March on Milwaukee Civil Rights History Project (; as lead academic advisor for the Japanese American WWII Confinement: A Cinematic Digital History Project; and as a team member of the Virtual Asian American Art Museum. Her community engagement work focuses on building stronger partnerships between the university and the local, urban public school district. She is currently writing a book about photography, war, and censorship in the wake of 9/11 under contract with the University of North Carolina Press.
Jasmine Alinder, Dr. phil., ist Dean für den Bereich Geisteswissenschaften an der Universität von Kalifornien (Santa Cruz) und Professorin für Geschichte. Bis 2020 war sie Professorin und Koordinatorin für Public History an der Universität Wisconsin-Milwaukee. Als gelernte Fotographiehistorikerin wurde sie 1999 an der Universität Michigan in Kunstgeschichte promoviert. Seitdem hat sie vor allem über Dokumentarphotographie publiziert, einschliesslich des Buches "Moving Images: Photography and the Japanese American Incarceration" (University of Illinois Press, 2009) sowie zahlreichen Aufsätzen. Darüber hinaus war Alinder beteiligt an Projekten der Digital Humanities, so als Projektleiterin für das March on Milwaukee Civil Rights History Project (, als leitende wissenschaftliche Betreuerin für das Japanese American WWII Confinement: A Cinematic Digital History Project und als Teammitglied beim Virtual Asian American Art Museum. Ihre Beteiligung an gemeinnütziger Arbeit richtet sich vor allem auf die Bildung stärkerer Beziehungen zwischen der Universität und dem lokalen städtischen Schulbezirk. Zurzeit schreibt sie ein Buch über Fotografie, Krieg und Zensur im Gefolge von 9/11 für den Verlag der Universität von North Carolina.
The New Old Culture Wars
How can public history be educational, impactful, and transformative in the United States’ new era of culture wars?
Transnational Public History
Monthly Editorial July 2021 Abstract: Public history has often been conflated with local history and as such has been seen as less significant than forms of history that speak to... Read More ›