Personal Details: Amsler, Christian

Amsler Christian

From our Wilde 13 section

Christian Amsler, *1963, ist Schaffhauser Regierungsrat und als Vorsteher des Erziehungsdepartements des Kantons Schaffhausen zuständig für die Bereiche Bildung, Jugend, Familie, Sport und Kultur. Der 49-jährige FDP-Politiker ist Präsident der Erziehungsdirektoren-Konferenz der Deutschschweiz (D-EDK). Damit ist er auch oberster Schirmherr des Lehrplans 21 und Präsident der Steuergruppe LP21.

Christian Amsler, *1963, is a member of the Schaffhausen Cantonal Government and as Head of the Cantonal Department of Education responsible for education, youth, family, sports, and culture. The liberal democratic politician is the president of the Conference of Directors of Education in German speaking Switzerland (D-EDK). He is also chief patron of the curriculum "Lehrplan 21" and president of the Lehrplan 21 control group.
  • The Lehrplan 21 – Politics and History

    Projekt Lehrplan 21 – die Politik und die Geschichte

    It is causing a stir among the wider public up and down the country. Currently subject to consultation, the much-debated and much-anticipated new curriculum (Lehrplan 21) serves to implement...

    The Lehrplan 21 – Politics and History
  • “Lehrplan 21” – Politics and History

    It is causing a stir among the wider public up and down the country. Currently subject to consultation, the much-debated and much-anticipated new curriculum (“Lehrplan 21”) serves to implement the mandate of the Swiss Constitution to harmonise educational objectives on all school levels.

    “Lehrplan 21” – Politics and History

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