Personal Details: X-Mem


Author Group
The PHW author list

The X-Mem team has evolved in the aftermath of the workshop 'Beyond the ‘Time Machine’ Understanding Virtual Reality in Historical Culture“ which was organized by Steffi de Jong and Juliane Tomann in October 2022. At the moment the team comprises of the following members working on the topic of VR in historical culture:

Silke Arnold-De Simine
Philipp Bojahr
Steffi de Jong
Sebastian Hagenauer
Tobias Ebbrecht-Hartmann
Anette Homlong Storeide
Wulf Kantsteiner
Rūta Kazlauskaitė
Gary Mills
Nora Probst
Katharina Tillmanns
Juliane Tomann
Viktoria Grace Walden
Tabea Wiedmann
Sytse Wierenga

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