Personal Details: Form, Wolfgang

Wolfgang Form

Wolfgang Form, 1959, (Dr. phil., Dipl. Pol.) studied Political Science, Sociology, Social- and Eco-nomic History and Public Law in Marburg. He received his doctoral degree on political criminal justice during National Socialism in Germany at the University of Marburg. 2003 he co-founded the International Research and Documentations Center for War Crimes Trials, Marburg (ICWC) and is his research director since them. From 1992 lecturer for political science, international criminology, peace and conflict studies and gender studies at the University of Marburg, Kiel and Wolfenbüttel, and Member of the Austrian Research Center for Post-War Trials Advisory Board. His main fields of research are: political criminal and military justice, history of international criminal law, peace and conflict studies and on local and regional history of National Socialism. Alongside several articles in the field Germany and Austrian contemporary history, international relations, history of criminal law, international law and human rights law.

Wolfgang Form, 1959, (Dr. phil., Dipl. Pol.) Studium der Politikwissenschaft, Soziologie, Geschichte und öffentliches Recht an der Philipps-Universität Marburg. 1986 Diplomabschuss. Ab 1987 Wissenschaftlicher Angestellter bei der Stadt Stadtallendorf, der Universität Mainz und beim Hessischen Hauptstaatsarchiv in Wiesbaden. Seit Oktober 1997 Projektleiter am Fachbereich Rechtswissenschaften im Rahmen von mehreren Drittmittelprojekten zur NS-Justiz in Deutschland und Österreich. Mitgründer des Forschungs- und Dokumentationszentrums Kriegsverbrecherprozesse an der Philipps-Universität Marburg, ab Sommer 2003 dessen Koordinator.

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