Personal Details: Li, Na

Co-director (since June 2021)
Member PHW Executive Board
李娜, 浙江大学人文学院历史学系“百人计划”研究员、博士生导师。担任《公众史学家》(The Public Historian) 国际编辑,《公众史学》辑刊主编。曾任美国公众史学委员会(National Council on Public History)理事会成员(2017-2020年)
李娜的主要研究领域是公众史学和城市历史保护。著有 Kensington Market: Collective Memory, Public History and Toronto’s Urban Landscape, University of Toronto Press, 2015;《集体记忆、公众历史与城市景观》,上海三联书店,2017年;《公众史学研究入门》,北京大学出版社,2019年。 研究成果刊登于 Oxford Handbook of Urban Planning, History Workshop Journal, Journal of Family History, The Public Historian, Public History Review, Oral History Review, Public History Weekly 等。目前,李娜正在完成专著 Seeing History: Public History in China.
Na Li is a Research Fellow/Professor at Department of History, Zhejiang University, China. She is Editor for Public History: A National Journal of Public History (《公众史学》), and International Consulting Editor for The Public Historian. She served on the Board of Directors for the National Council on Public History (2017-2020).
Her research focuses on public history and urban preservation. Her first book, Kensington Market: Collective Memory, Public History, and Toronto’s Urban Landscape (University of Toronto Press, 2015) investigates ethnic minority entrepreneurs in one of the most diverse neighborhoods, Kensington Market in Toronto, incorporates collective memory in urban landscape interpretation, and suggests a culturally sensitive narrative approach (CSNA) to urban preservation. The Chinese edition is published in 2017 (Shanghai Joint Publishing Company). Her second book, Public History: A Critical Introduction, surveys key issues in public history (Peking University Press, 2019). Her articles appeared in The Oxford Handbook of Urban Planning, History Workshop Journal, Journal of Family History, The Public Historian, Oral History Review, Public History Review, Public History Weekly and a number of premier Chinese journals. She is now working on her new book, Seeing History: Public History in China.
Na Li contributes to a better understanding of public history at an international scale. She is at a forefront to research and establish public history in China. She has organized the National Public History Seminar (Chongqing 2013); National Public History Conference (Suzhou 2013; Hangzhou 2018); Public History Faculty Training Program in China (Shanghai 2014, Chongqing 2015, Hangzhou 2019).
Some Patterns of Making Public History in China (2)
中国公众史学建构模式之探索 (2) | Muster der Schaffung chinesischer Public History (2)
Debates over public history (公众史学) in China are the role of history and historians in the nation, or forms of participation. The discussion raises more questions about past in public sphere.
Some Patterns of Making Public History in China (1)
中国公众史学建构模式之探索 (1) | Muster der Schaffung chinesischer Public History (1)
As progress, urbanization, economical growth transform China, its official and inofficial versions of history change rapidly, too. Public History in China. If history...