Personal Details: Breitfuss, Judith

Editor | Redaktor
Judith Breitfuss, M.A. (*1991), studierte die Fächer Geschichte und Englisch an der Universität Salzburg und der University of Liverpool. Sie arbeitet seit 2015 als Gymnasiallehrerin in Salzburg und ist seit Herbst 2016 Universitätsassistentin am Institut für Geschichte (Fachdidaktik Geschichte, Sozialkunde und Politische Bildung) an der Universität Wien.
Judith Breitfuss, M.A. (*1991), completed her Master’s degree in History and English at the Universities of Salzburg and Liverpool. She has worked as a secondary school teacher in Salzburg since 2015 and has been a research and teaching associate at the History Department of the University of Vienna (teaching methodology) since autumn 2016.
Political Aberrations
Politische Irrwege
When the politician Roman Haider of the party FPÖ (Freedom Party of Austria) caused the interruption of a lecture about political extremism in an Austrian school in spring 2017, a heated debate erupted over the place of politics in school education. The controversy raises important questions over the aims and principles of civic education.