Personal Details: Kokkinos, Georgios

The PHW author list
George Kokkinos was born in Athens in 1960. He is a Professor of History and History Didactics at the Department of Primary Education of the University of the Aegean-Rhodes since 1997 and Head of History and Social Sciences Laboratory in the same Department. His research and writing interests lie upon Theory of History and History Didactics and particularly the relationship of historical consciousness with the awareness of the moral parameters of historical events (Holocaust, genocides, civil wars) and generally the different aspects of Historical Justice. Moreover, he is interested in the study of memory and trauma, perceptions of the body, health and disease, and, more specifically, the history of eugenics and biomedical sciences. Finally, his interest concerns Public History and, in particular, the formation of historical meaning through literature, cinema, museums and music. His latest books (greek editions) are: The Rust and the Fire. Approaching the Relation of History, Trauma and Memory (2012), The Holocaust. The Approach of the Traumatic Memory – Persecutors and Victims (2015), The Eugenic Dystopia. Paths of Ideas (2018 with postface by Urania Georgopoulou), Looking for a “Holy Shelter”. Alexandros Delmouzos and his Contemporary Greek Intelligentsia [in collaboration with Vassilis Bogiatzis] (2017). The Holocaust and the European Historical Consciousness (2020), “Worthy” and “Unworthy” Life. Eugenics, Degeneration, Biopolitics: The Physician in the Role of Social Healer and National Reformer (2021).
On Historical Justice and History Education
This article carefully reveals fundamental ideas about justice, and problematises the relationship between historical discourse and justice.