Personal Details: Arendes, Cord

Co-director (since October 2021)
Member PHW Executive Board
Cord Arendes, Dr. phil (*1971), Professor für Angewandte Geschichte – Public History an der Universität Heidelberg. Zuvor war er als wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter an den Universitäten Berlin (FU), Greifswald und Heidelberg in verschiedenen Forschungs- und Editionsprojekten sowie als Akademischer Rat am Lehrstuhl für Zeitgeschichte an der Universität Heidelberg tätig. Zu seinen Schwerpunkten in Forschung und Lehre zählen Public History, Audiovisuelle Aspekte der Geschichtswissenschaft, Historische Ausstellungen und andere Formen der Präsentation von Geschichte und kulturellem Erbe, Geschichtstheorie, Forschendes Lernen im Geschichtsstudium sowie der politisch-justizielle Umgang mit der nationalsozialistischen Vergangenheit in Westeuropa.
Cord Arendes, PhD (*1971), is Professor for Applied and Public History at Heidelberg University. He previously worked as Research Assistant/Lecturer at the universities of Berlin (FU), Greifswald, and Heidelberg and as Assistant Professor (Akademischer Rat) for Contemporary History at Heidelberg University. His main research and teaching interests focus on Public History, Audiovisual Aspects of History, Historical Exhibitions and other forms of presentation of history and cultural heritage, Theory of History, Research-based learning in the study of history, and the Political and Juridical Handling of the NS-Past in Western Europe.
Successful Public History – A Question of Empirical Evidence?
Erfolgreiche Public History – eine Frage empirischer Evidenz?
One of the many tasks of Public History is to analyze the extensive offerings of products mediating history in the public domain. The question whether the success of such an understanding of Public History could be measurable has not yet been asked very often – not least ...
Who We Are: Public Historians as Multiple Personalities?
Wer wir sind: Public Historians als multiple Persönlichkeiten?
There is no doubt that, since its inception in the United States, public history has been increasingly professionalized internationally as an academic teaching and research discipline. At German universities, however, its status is still fuzzy. Although ...