Abstract: The peace agreement of the 1975-1989 civil war in Lebanon formulated in Ta’if, Saudi Arabia stipulated the unification of history textbooks (section III.F.5) as part of education reform… Read More ›
Tag Archive for ‘Textbook (Schulbuch)’
WhatsApp @ School – Where Does the Fun Stop?
Students in 6th grade, often do not know Anne Frank. How do they react to the an “Anne also gets a star today” meme – where does the fun stop?
How Much and Which Europe in a History Book?
Has Europe become a self-blocking illusion or does it grow with its conflicts? And how does one deal with all these issues in the classroom?
Austrian-Israeli Textbook Committee – A Report
Since 2017, the first ever joint Austrian-Israeli Textbook Committee has been working on the analysis of textbooks for history and political education as well…
“Chronological Frameworks”, New History Strategy? (ИКС)
Some years have passed since the appearance of the Historical and Cultural Standard (ИКС) for teaching Russian history. It has significantly changed the…
History Textbooks – what and whom are they for?
In Austria, history classes provide competences, concepts, and topics, which should be persistently implemented in history textbooks in accordance with Ministry of Education. Historical thinking…
“Europe – Our History”. A Textbook for Poland and Germany
Is it really possible to create one textbook in two language versions for history classes in two different countries? For more than a decade, a Polish-German team of experts…
Complexity in the Specification of the History Curriculum
Bishop Colenso, Great Britain, and South Africa. A school history curriculum variously gives learners an introduction to historical themes. It does not, however, convey well the complexity of the past.