The question in History Didactics isn’t always so much as what the students need to know but what a history teacher actually needs to know in order to be able to work successfully.
Tag Archive for ‘Teacher (LehrerInnen)’
A Matter of Choice–Biculturalism
Biculturalism? In the high-autonomy curriculum environment in New Zealand, it is history teachers who are charged with the responsibility of engaging young people with controversial aspects of postcoloniality.
Objectivity, Truth, and Learning History
“Dear teacher, now just tell us how it really happened!” This question that students may ask makes us hesitate. How should we, teachers and historians, deal with objectivity, reality and truth?
Being a History Teacher in Turkey
Since the establishment of the Turkish Republic in 1923, history teachers (tarih öğretmeni) have been encouraged to foster a Turkish national identity through their teaching. They also face a number of problems, which make their…
Utopias and Ambiguities in Teachers’ Education
In Brazil: All history teachers are Communists, says a student in the film Diabolo Menthe (English release: Peppermint Soda – 1977). The father reacts with indignation, fearing political proselytism.
Studying history without linguistic competences and reading competence?
Students in Brandenburg will soon be able to start studying history without foreign language skills – according to the will of politicians. Presumably, this policy aims to increase the number of students …
Teaching Historical Thinking: Dilemmas not Dichotomies!
Breadth versus depth, content versus skills, inquiry versus memorization, textbooks versus primary sources; history educators in the U.S. hear dichotomies like these all the time. But framing these as dichotomies, …
Practice vs. Theory and Rüsen’s New Historik
Practice as a fetish? ‘Theory’ (whatever it means) is a didactical magic word in order to provoking professionalization. Most students do not want it and only reluctantly put up with it.