Issue: Educational Content. In Greece we tend to have rather “passionate debates over the national past” than about history education as a whole.
Tag Archive for ‘History Teaching (Geschichtsunterricht)’
A Guarantee for Disciplinary Inclusive Education?
Togetherness and differentiation are key concepts in inclusive education. How can they be applied to history teaching, while considering at the same time the specifics of the subjects?
Wrong Tracks of Language-Sensitive History Teaching
If one trusts the increasing demand for places in which language-sensitive history teaching [Sprachsensibler Geschichtsunterricht] is addressed, then this manifests (1) the somewhat problematic reflexes of history did…
Monuments: Disputed, Transient, increasingly Utopian?
The ensuing issue of modern forms of monuments that are appropriate for the 21st century has seldom been addressed in history teaching. That must be questioned.
Pedagogías del Sur: Rethinking Research
Pedagogías del Sur: The discussion topics in the field of research in teaching history are the hierarchic historiography-teaching relation; the definition of the epistemology of historical…
Being a History Teacher in Turkey
Since the establishment of the Turkish Republic in 1923, history teachers (tarih öğretmeni) have been encouraged to foster a Turkish national identity through their teaching. They also face a number of problems, which make their…
Exam under Examination: Zigzags in Russia (ЕГЭ)
The Unified State Examination (ЕГЭ) has become the most significant reform in the teaching of history in schools. The USE has affected the entire society of the Russian Federation. The new system…
The Lure of Public History: Intimate and Public
Why do public historians speak of the “second and third life of history”? Why is it that the public past and the private one cannot be apart any longer? Why have people become…