Personal Details: Abdou, Ehaab D.

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Ehaab D. Abdou is Assistant Professor in the Department of Global Studies, Wilfrid Laurier University, Canada. Within the field of education and curriculum studies, his research aims at rendering K-12 school curricular representations and classroom practices more holistic and inclusive, especially of historically and systematically marginalized perspectives, historical narratives, and epistemologies. His research has and also continues to explore how students’ interactions with both curricular and extracurricular historical representations shape their historical consciousness and civic engagement. His research mainly focuses on the Egyptian and the Canadian contexts. Ehaab’s work has drawn on various theoretical perspectives and methodological approaches, especially historical consciousness; critical discourse analysis; critical pedagogy; and participatory visual methods. His recent publications include a co-edited book, with Jason N. Dorio and Nashwa Moheyeldine, entitled “The Struggle for Citizenship Education in Egypt: (Re)Imagining Subjects and Citizens” (Routledge, 2019); and a book entitled “Education, Civics, and Citizenship in Egypt: Towards More Inclusive Curricular Representations and Teaching” (Palgrave Macmillan, 2023).
Unpacking Ideologies Shaping Cleopatra’s Representations
Abstract: This paper examines how hegemonic ideologies and discourses shape public representations of ancient history, including in popular culture. Ideally speaking, classroom practices need to foster critical engagement with various... Read More ›