Personal Details: Morat, Daniel

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Daniel Morat is Privatdozent at the History Department of the Free University Berlin and currently works as a curator at the Deutsche Historische Museum in Berlin. He received his Dr. phil at the University of Göttingen in 2006 and his Habilitation at the Free University Berlin in 2017. His major fields of research are sound history and public history as well as intellectual history, media history and urban history.
Daniel Morat ist Privatdozent am Friedrich-Meinecke-Institut der Freien Universität Berlin und arbeitet zur Zeit als Kurator am Deutschen Historischen Museum in Berlin. Er wurde 2006 an der Georg-August-Universität Göttingen promoviert und 2017 an der Freien Universität Berlin habilitiert. Zu seinen Forschungsschwerpunkten gehören neben Sound History und Public History Ideen- und Intellektuellengeschichte, Mediengeschichte und Stadtgeschichte.
Aesthetic Experience in Public History
Ästhetische Erfahrung in der Public History
Public History sites often promise that visitors will be able to ‘experience history’, which has repeatedly been criticized.
Sound History and Public History
Sound History und Public History
In the last few years, sound history has developed into a lively field of research within the science of history. Its relationship to public history, however, still seems to be undefined.