Given the increased popularity of VR to provide access to the past, the discourse about its potentials and challenges needs to be intensified
Tag Archive for ‘Mass Media (Massenmedien)’
Historical Culture and Popular Culture
Historical and popular culture play an important role in our understanding of the past and in the ways in which we remember and use it.
Eine deutsche Affäre? Notizen zur öffentlichen Geschichte
Beim Streit um Hedwig Richters “Demokratie” geht es auch darum, wer wissenschaftliche Qualität bewertet und welche Maßstäbe dafür gelten.
History Textbooks as a Battlefield
Textbooks reflect the discourse on historical topics. A misunderstanding sometimes leads to undifferentiated textbook bashing.
Let’s talk about… History Podcasts
History is told in podcasts on history. In detail and slowly. And many listeners enthusiastically listen to them. But why?