Personal Details: Vandrewala, Sanaeya

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Sanaeya Vandrewala is a professor and programme co-ordinator for the masters in Urban Conservation at Kamla Raheja Institute for Architecture & Environmental Studies in Mumbai/ India. She is a graduate from the University of York and has more than 15 years of experience in the field of heritage conservation in India. She specialises in restoration project management, dossiers for World heritage sites, heritage management plans for historic sites and more. An active ICOMOS India member, her interests lie in Risk Management and Modern Heritage. She has been actively engaged in public participatory initiatives such as heritage walks, various public engagement research and projects. Lately she has been actively researching in the field of Sustainability and Built Heritage.
Public History & Tourism: Practices in India
Conscious publicity campaigns like ‘Incredible India’ are aimed at highlighting the richness of Indian traditions.