What happens if we flip the model and, rather than just creating new offerings labelled Public History’ we also look for opportunities to bring its critical eye to the ‘mainstream’ curriculum?
Tag Archive for ‘University teaching (Hochschuldidaktik)’
Helping Students Make History: Community Engaged Learning
This essay examines the importance of community engaged learning through public history to students’ acquisition of historical knowledge and methodological skills…
Crossing Barriers: an International Public History
Public history looks more international than ever. The internationalization of public history creates a common space for discussion about the changing…
Why We Should all Become Public Historians
We are at a crossroads for the spread of public history and we need to consider the possibility that we could all become public historians.
Studying history without linguistic competences and reading competence?
Students in Brandenburg will soon be able to start studying history without foreign language skills – according to the will of politicians. Presumably, this policy aims to increase the number of students …
“Mandatory attendance, farewell!”
Recently, the ASTA (German Students’ Union) of the University of Duisburg-Essen ran a front-page headline, reading “Mandatory attendance, farewell!” (“Adieu, Anwesenheitspflicht”). If one believes ASTA representatives, their victory bears comparison with the enforcement of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen during the French Revolution.
Practice vs. Theory and Rüsen’s New Historik
Practice as a fetish? ‘Theory’ (whatever it means) is a didactical magic word in order to provoking professionalization. Most students do not want it and only reluctantly put up with it.