What are the historical links that one of the oldest and most prestigious universities in Colombia has had with the institution of slavery?
Tag Archive for ‘Indigenous Peoples (Indigene Völker)’
The “Buried Mirror”: History and Chile’s New Constitution
Is the debate about the nation novel to the movement of the Mapuche people?
Indigenous Peoples, Public History and Social Museology in Colombia
This article presents a reflection on collaborative research processes developed with different indigenous peoples in Colombia.
Bridging Histories Through Intercultural Archiving
Much of Indigenous peoples’ knowledge held in archives has been collected through extractive colonial processes without Tribal consent.
The Challenges of Interculturality in the Americas
This dossier invites to focus on interculturalities as an epistemological approach, a dialogical method and an aspiration of inclusiveness.
The Place of Deep Mapping in Teaching
How do educators use deep mapping to rethink colonial relationships, settler connections, Indigenous land rights and environmental change?
Indigenous Voices, Climate Change, and Modern Slavery
The images described in this article portray settler violence and subjugation; but also highlight indigenous resistance and knowledge
Unsilencing the Histories of Ireland’s Indigenous Minority
We argue that the use of indigenous stories allows for the exploration of environmental issues in a holistic, informed and responsive way.